Thursday 14 January 2010

New topic!!!

Good morning children!

How are you? Thank you very much for all your comments! I am very happy to know that you had a nice Christams holiday!

Nuria told me that you are studying the FARM ANIMALS!!

I love animals. Which is your favourite animal??

My favourite animal are dogs. Do you know the BINGO SONG??

It's very funny!! Have a look...



Tuesday 12 January 2010


halo lusi ,ioanamaria. I . laic English. santa  claus presents: buts, a bag, suis.

Thank iu

bai bai


jelou lusi am tania barro florit.
am 7 iars olt. I had  presens 4 crismas  aiam beri japi japi.

bai bai.
hello lucy my  neim  es jessica. how  or you?
 we sind lots of songs.  yur vedeos are veri nice.



helou lucy aiam alvaro
 holydes finish ent escool estor, ara in English class.
